Self-care is so important and sadly sometimes the last thing on our list of things to do. We can become so caught up in our work, family, friends, or personal projects that we forget to look after ourselves. Looking after yourself is something that should really be a priority in your daily routine and can help you manage the stress that life can bring.
In this post, I'm going to be offering you different types of self-care activities and talking about how to make it a priority with a busy schedule.
Self-Care Activities
Select at least one activity that you can incorporate into your daily routine and practice doing this each week. Over time you can build on this and change or add new activities.
Have a bubble bath
Spend time around nature or in the fresh air
Take a nap
Light a scented candle in your room and take in the smell
Read a book
Listen to your favourite music
Hydrate yourself
Eat your favourite food
Write a list of three things you're proud of yourself for this week
Cry if you need to cry (it's okay)
Watch a movie
Play your favourite game
Cuddle your pet/teddy/loved one
Go for a walk
Do yoga
Forgive yourself
Put fresh bedding on your bed
Write a compassionate letter to yourself
Find a new hobby such as; painting, drawing, cooking, etc.
Set yourself a research task on something that interests you
How to
Finding the time to be kind to and look after yourself can be tricky to do for many reasons, especially when you have a busy schedule. The first step to looking after yourself is to not feel guilty for doing that instead of something else. Oftentimes our wellbeing becomes the bottom of our list of priorities because we believe other things are more important but it's time to think differently. It's okay to say no when our needs aren't being met. It's okay to take time out for ourselves. It's okay to do the things we enjoy and make us happy.
I find that the best way to fit in my self-care is to do it in the evening. I try to do whatever I need to do that day before setting up a safe space in my room to ensure my self-care destresses me. This way I feel I can fully enjoy my self-care activities before I settle to bed. Figure out what time is best for you and try to utilise that free time as best as you can. As I previously suggested, start by picking one self-care activity for the day and practice doing this each day. Over time you can adjust or add to your self-care routine to suit you and your free time.
Self-care is wonderful when we can really enjoy it so try to pick activities you'll enjoy doing. Remember not to feel guilty or selfish for taking this time for yourself. You deserve it.
Thank you so much for being here. Please feel free to follow me on Instagram (@_thebword__) or get in touch via the contact form below.
Lots of love,
Tilly x
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