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Lockdown Love

Hey angel, thank you for being here. So as we all know we are currently going through ANOTHER national lockdown. If you're anything like me, you were probably hoping that we would be well out of lockdown by now, so here's how we're going to deal with lockdown number 2 and all the emotions that come with it.


If you haven't downloaded TikTok yet, make it this evening's mission. Tiktok really helped me with my mental health whilst going through the last lockdown and helps me to this day. It's so fun to engage with, but also fun to create your own to share with friends and family to cheer them up, too. Some of my favourite TikTokers are:

- lizzo (motivational af)

- mua_agapi (next level make-up looks)

- nailsbyjanine (amazing nail transformations)


Find something you love and let it take over this second lockdown. I personally love singing, writing music, and creating my mental health awareness/positivity bracelets. If you're new to creating, look online at places like 'the Range' to find arts and crafts bundles and get yourself started. Ask yourself 'what do I love to do?', and do that. If you're stuck for something to do here are some suggestions:

- Knitting

- Crocheting

- Resin moulding


If you're anything like me you have a few good books that you just don't always get a chance to read. Well, now's your chance. Pick that book you've always wanted to read and read it every single day. If reading is new to you, you have the exciting journey to the book section of your selected big shop spot or amazon, to find the perfect book for you. Here's some suggestions to get you started.

- The Power of Now

- The Body Keeps the Score

- The Secret


So, this is one I suck at... and I can hear your eye roll from here, BUT, anything is better than nothing and even just walking in nature can be so beneficial for your mental health. Unfortunately, as we know, all gyms are shut so we need to get creative with our workouts. If you love the gym, my buddy over at Cult Fitness has everything you need to keep you happy and healthy over the next month.

Video Games

I know this might not be one for all of my followers, but it is definitely one for me. Video Games are incredible at immersing you into another world and taking you away from the mundane everyday. It takes up a lot of mental energy, which will allow you to switch off. If you love the Sims... then why are you still here? The Sims 4 is FREE all weekend over on Origin.

Facetime your loved ones.

It's really difficult, especially if you struggle with your mental health, to not isolate yourself during this time. Facetiming or calling your loved ones can really give you the boost you might need as it reminds you who you have around you, even if you can't be with them in person right now. If you're lucky enough to be living with others please reach out to the ones you know are living alone, they might need you.

Reach out

If you're feeling alone right now, please reach out to your loved ones, friends, family, me... just don't go through this alone, because you're not. You are loved, supported and a part of something, even if it's just this blog. Please feel free to reach out to me on my instagram (@_thebword__) if you feel like you need some extra support.

Again, thank you so much for being here. Please feel free to follow me on Instagram (@_thebword__) or get in touch via the contact form below. You can now also buy a mental health bracelet from my online shop to wear your mental health with pride or share a positive word with your loved ones during this difficult time.

Lots of love,

Tilly x

Rethink Mental Illness

Support and advice for people living with mental illness.

Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 4 pm)


Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.

Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)


feel free to get in touch 

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