I find that routine really helps me to manage my mental health, and my evening routine helps me to settle in the evening, even the times when it feels impossible. I wanted to take the time to help you find your own perfect evening routine, by both sharing mine and tips/ideas for you to create your own to help stop those unhelpful thoughts before you sleep.
What is the purpose of an evening routine?
The purpose of an evening routine is to relax you and help you feel contained. Often times, during the day, we are met with stressors and these can seep into our evening causing us to feel unsettled/stressed. An evening routine should act as a factory reset button for our brains, allowing us to centre ourselves and get rid of any remnants of stress before we try to sleep. Our evenings should act as a stop to the day, instead of a place where our thoughts cycle spilling into the next day.
Since finding the perfect evening routine I am more capable of destressing myself, managing my thoughts and preparing healthily for tomorrow.
My evening routine
Tidy my bedroom:
Tidying my bedroom helps me to declutter my space which helps me feel I have a clearer headspace. It allows me to be in a clean space, which is something we all deserve. Although I don't love tidying my room, the aftermath of doing it makes it all worth it. I have a room I am proud of, and it simply looks pretty, which boosts my mood in its own way.
Prepare my clothes and bag for the next day:
This small task allows me to put any stress for the following day to rest. If I am prepared for the day ahead of me, it helps me to reduce anxiety around it. It also helps to write a to-do list or write down any concerns I have about the next day because seeing things written down helps them stop swirling around aimlessly in my head. Once I have done this, I forget about tomorrow. This means I can focus completely on my evening and what I want to do.
Set up my bedroom for what I want to do:
Now, this may be a little nerdy, but I love it. I always prepare my bedroom for what I'm going to do for the rest of the evening before I get in the shower so that once I come out of the shower everything is ready for me. This usually looks like making my bed, turning on some music, lighting a candle and putting on my fairy lights. I also leave my pyjamas folded on the bed ready to put on.
Need I say more? It can't just be me that feels showers/baths are the perfect space to unwind. I always feel much better after a quick shower, and I often turn the shower cold right before I get out just to shock my body into resetting itself - helping me further to forget any stresses of the day.
Taking the time to do our hobbies is really important. Sometimes we forget about them when we're so busy working etc. I take around an hour out of my evening to just sketch to my heart's content whilst listening to relaxing lo-fi music. I'm not very good at sketching, but I've started to realise it's not about how good I am, it's about how it makes me feel.
Play PS4:
This allows me to problem solve and have fun all in one place. Playing on my Playstation takes me away to a different space and helps me unwind. It's helpful for me to immerse myself in a storyline and follow it throughout the evening to stop my mind wandering.
Watch Netflix:
This one needs no explanation so here are some binge-worthy shows I like to watch on Netflix.
Grace and Frankie
Good Girls
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
24 Hours in A&E
Sherlock Holmes
Z Nation
The Umbrella Academy
Modern Family
Spongebob Squarepants
Mock the Week
The Sinner
Unsolved Mysteries
Take your pick!
Lights out and Binaural beats:
I play binaural beats to help me sleep and, my God, do they work. Anything like white noise/soothing music is really helpful when trying to sleep as you can focus on this instead of the thoughts in your head and it also helps you to stay asleep. I imagine my binaural beats are creating a safe bubble around me while I sleep and nine times out of ten I sleep like a baby.
Create your own evening routine
Below I will list different things you can do in the evening to help you unwind and I'd like you to jot down 3+ things to make up your very own evening routine. Feel free to add your own things!
Write down your thoughts and worries
Tidy your bedroom
Make your bed
Light a candle
Write a to-do list for the following day
Take photographs of the sky
Listen to music
Go for a walk
Watch your favourite movie/show
Play games
Spend quality time with your housemates/family/pets
Spend time experimenting with new hair/makeup styles
Pamper yourself (paint nails, face/hair mask etc)
It's important to switch things out if they start losing effect, for example I might not sketch every single night. Taking time for yourself is really important, as we know. Doing it consistently every evening is difficult but once you get into the swing of it you'll really start to feel the benefit of it. Please feel free to get in touch for help on creating your own evening plan - I'm more than happy to help!
Thank you so much for being here. Please feel free to follow me on Instagram (@_thebword__) or get in touch via the contact form below.
Lots of love,
Tilly x
Rethink Mental Illness
Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 4 pm)
Website: www.rethink.org
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org.uk